Arctic Trucks Polar solutions originate from the variety of challenge people face in Iceland but in 1996, Arctic Trucks made its first expedition outside of Iceland in supporting a scientific expedition in Antarctica. Now with 35 larger expeditions and over 340.000km covered in Antarctica, one expedition to the 96 Magnetic North Pole and two major expeditions in Greenland, Arctic Trucks has collected a world unique experience in highly efficient travelling in these extremely challenging conditions.
With complexity of operation, comparing one vehicle type of operation with other types of vehicle may not always be easy or fair as different design gives certain advantages on cost of other. The major advantages of Arctic Trucks vehicles over the belt vehicles is in travel speed and fuel economy. We see our average distances per day in the area of 3 times or more and our fuel use in the area of 5 times less or even greater. But on the flip size i.e. our vehicle have very limited relative towing capacity which in some operations is needed. In some cases, for optimal operation a mix of these may be the best way forward.
Counting on the billions of investments made by automakers of the world in new, more efficient and cleaner drivelines, Arctic Trucks specializes in using the best suited of these technologies and applying the Arctic Trucks experience to give these the capabilities to efficiently travel in the Polar region, saving energy, time with increased comfort, safety and serviceability. Arctic Trucks vehicles have proven to excel in variety of Arctic and Antarctic conditions. One feature normally not available on other equipment for snow and ice is the capabilities to travel all road infrastructure in comfort and safety as a normal car.