Arctic Trucks Polar solutions originate from the variety of challenge people face in Iceland but in 1996, Arctic Trucks made its first expedition outside of Iceland in supporting a scientific expedition in Antarctica.  Now with 35 larger expeditions and over 340.000km covered in Antarctica, one expedition to the 96 Magnetic North Pole and two major expeditions in Greenland, Arctic Trucks has collected a world unique experience in highly efficient travelling in these extremely challenging conditions. 

With complexity of operation, comparing one vehicle type of operation with other types of vehicle may not always be easy or fair as different design gives certain advantages on cost of other.   The major advantages of Arctic Trucks vehicles over the belt vehicles is in travel speed and fuel economy. We see our average distances per day in the area of 3 times or more and our fuel use in the area of 5 times less or even greater.  But on the flip size i.e. our vehicle have very limited relative towing capacity which in some operationis needed. In some cases, for optimal operation a mix of these may be the best way forward

Counting on the billions of investments made by automakers of the world in new, more efficient and cleaner drivelines, Arctic Trucks specializes in using the best suited of these technologies and applying the Arctic Trucks experience to give these the capabilities to efficiently travel in the Polar region, saving energy, time with increased comfort, safety and serviceability. Arctic Trucks vehicles have proven to excel in variety of Arctic and Antarctic conditions. One feature normally not available on other equipment for snow and ice is the capabilities to travel all road infrastructure in comfort and safety as a normal car.   


The work horse which takes you every day around towninto the mountains, on rough trails, and onto a glacier adventure. This vehicle is used by  variety of people, companies and institutions in Iceland but it is most famous for being used in the Top Gear North Pole challenge, driven by Jeremy Clarkson and James May.

*AT38 Hilux is fully street legal in Iceland but this does not apply to many countries.*   



This vehicle can take you into the most sever conditions, suitable for rescue operations or adventure seekersThis was our first vehicle of choice on our Antarctica operation in 2008 and 20. This vehicle has proven it’s worth in Antarctica dealing with variety of conditions and usage. In key areas the basic design of the AT44 has remained the same from 2008 but in Antarctica, especially the high altitude and extreme cold, has taught us many smaller things which have led to an evolutional improvement in variety of components and operational procedures



The AT44 6×6 Hilux was designed for use in the Antarctic to meet the extreme challenges already faced. The 6×6 has more load capacity, without sacrificing the range between fuel locations. Additionally, we needed a bigger rear deck, designed to fit 200l fuel barrels, stack alloy storage boxes with options for strapping down and securing cargoThe 6×6 version quickly became popular for longer journeysWith more space under the vehicles we coulinstall more tanks for extra fuel capacity. 


FORD F-150 AT44

With Ford building the F150 from alloys the overall weight came down and Arctic Trucks began studying this vehicle as an option for expedition work where more space is needed.   With the arrival of the diesel engine option in late 2017 it was decided to develop solution based on this vehicle. But before introduction we first introduced the vehicle to the Icelandic market where we are learning more about it’s strengths and weakness before introducing it to the very remote areas. Currently we are only offering 4×4 model but using our experience from 6×6 Hilux this is under study


Mercedes Sprinter AT44

The need for a people carrier is often great in Polar region especially around runways and within scientific bases. Arctic Trucks developed AT46 Sprinter in 2015 and sold to tour operators in Iceland. With the new 44 inch tire Arctic Trucks and Nokian in Finland developed and introduced in 2017, we got a tire which was more efficient and capable in snow that the 46inch tire previously used. The AT44 is a much more aggressive tire tread allows for more conditions.



To meet specific operation needs in Polar regions,

Arctic Trucks has developed a few accessories

which have proven extremely useful.




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      *We, Arctic Trucks Limited (trading as Arctic Trucks) and our authorised dealers will hold your information.

      We may share your information with other group companies and business partners in order to provide you with information about our products, keep you up to date with the latest company news and also send information for services relating you your vehicle or for the purposes of carrying out customer satisfaction surveys. We or they would like to contact you by post, telephone and/or SMS to let you know about other products, services and special offers that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to hear about these, please advise us on You also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your information.